
The End Time Forecast

Date: November 20, 2024 - Time: 07:48 GMT
Jesus chided the Pharisees and Sadducees for paying more attention to the weather forecast than to the signs that pointed to his coming. We need to learn from that.

Author Bio - Who am I?

Date: November 12, 2024 - Time: 15:07 GMT
A few people have emailed me recently, asking for an author bio. This website is not intended to be about me, but since some of you have been curious enough to ask, here's who I am.

Review of 'Witnessing the End' by Christian Widener

Date: May 18, 2024 - Time: 21:47 GMT
I have just read "Witnessing the End" by Christian Widener, published in 2023. This is a must-read book if, like me, you have a passion for understanding biblical end-time prophecies. I have also watched several of his recent videos on his blog,

Why Study End Times?

First published: February 27, 2019 - Time: 14:21 GMT - Updated November 12, 2024
In many churches, the study of End Times is considered a low priority, or is even treated as a taboo subject. Here's 12 reasons you should think again.

How can I become a Christian?

Date: February 26, 2019 - Time: 18:36 GMT
If you have been reading this website, but don't already have a personal relationship with Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, this is the most important question you need to ask right now.

Doesn't science disprove the Bible?

Date: February 25, 2019 - Time: 21:02 GMT
This was certainly one of my questions before I became a Christian. Philip Jinadu answers this question better than I think I could.

Is the Bible historically accurate?

Date: February 24, 2019 - Time: 17:11 GMT
Philip Jinadu answers this question better than I think I could.
If you have any additional questions you would like me to answer, please email me at